Monday, September 28, 2009

After two weeks of laziness.....

Well, maybe not laziness as much as feeling too busy to squeeze in time to paint, I found my inspiration. If I finish painting everything I have in queue, I will purchase this:
and this:

I want these two models so bad that this will get me motivated. It will be no small feat for me though as I'm an extremely slow painter.

On my list:
15 Heavy Weapon Teams
70 Renegade Guardsmen
4 Leman Russes
1 Griffon Mortar
1 Chimera
2 Priests of Nurgle
5 Enforcers
1 Baneblade (strip, convert to nurgle, and paint)
10 Bloodletters
8 Beasts of Nurgle
Base 10 Flamers
2 Plaguebearer Standard Bearers
Finish 3 Death Guard Rhinos
Finish 1 Death Guard Dreadnought

Damn, now that I list it, I'm wondering if I can do it. :(

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Stuff!

I just got a sweet trade on Bartertown. A guy is giving me a Baneblade for that Soulgrinder I won at BoLSCon. I think I'm going to convert it to that Plaguereaper tank.

I also got the Arkham Horror Boardgame with the Black Goat of the Woods expansion for $45. What a steal!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Concept Models Part 2

Ok, after some advice from a few different sources, I tried this.
I put a light coat of Devlin Mud, removed the mold lines , and put chaos symbols and squad markings on the shoulder pads.

Now how does it look?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Test Model

Ok, here's the first test model. Keep in mind, I'm wanting to be able to paint 100+ of them in tabletop quality and be able to add more and more detail later after I get them all on the table.

I used the colors listed below, then used silver and rust all on the gun, sword, and chest armor plate. I used a florescent orange for the eyes and florescent red for the star on his chest. Is this a good scheme? How can I improve it?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Working on Vraksians

After a week of Vertigo and having to leave town, I've started working on putting together my Vraksian Renegades. I have about 20 put together (no pics yet) and have been working on making a heavy weapon team from each gun in the box. I've kind of hit a snag though, the large round bases. I can't figure out a way to make my own since it only comes with one base. Any suggestions would be great.

I'm also working on the color scheme. This is my current plan is a sand on red clay scheme:
Spraypaint Montana Gold Royal Red
Then drybrush Vallejo Dark Sand
Then Pale Sand on top of that

What do you think?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

BoLSCon Pictures!

BoLSCon was absolutely awesome last weekend and I'm so glad I signed up for the narrative gaming track. This was also the first week of school, so it was kind of rough for me to be so active over the weekend and then have to break in over 100 kids, but it was definitely worth it and I'll be attending next year. The models were beautiful, just about everything in every Apocalypse sized battle was painted. The after hours pod racing and gaming were also a blast. To top it off, I won a sweet pile of loot!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Bloodthirster Finished

Yup, finished my big Bloodthirster. Now I have enough painted points to play with demons this weekend at BoLS Con. I turned in my demons list, but gave them a Death Guard list too in case they need Death Guard for the story line. I have close to 4000 points painted of that, even more if I take nurgle demons out of the demon army to use.

Now I'm trying to get the bases for my Tzeentch Flamers done. They're on completed bases now, but they were done for a different army and look out of place. That and they are the only round bases in the army. I know it's stupid, but yeah, I'm taking the round bases off for 40k. I've decided it's way too late to switch them out, I've put too much work into them, and I have other minis to paint anyway. Part of the reason I play with square bases is that when the fantasy and 40k lists were put out, I fell for the whole "play two games with one army" schpeal. I think the biggest reason though is that for almost ten years, demons only came with square bases for my Death Guard. 40+ plaguebearers on squares, 30 nurgling swarms, and greater demons have always been on squares for 40k. Now I'm supposed to change them? Poop on that.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What I did today....

I assembled these today and got them up to this point painted. The rhinos are mostly finished aside from a few touch ups, but the dreadnought has alot of work to go. I magnetized the arms so I would have a couple of choices and I'll magnetize the old metal dread arms later so I'll have even more. The double lascannon on the dread is kind of warped so I tried the "hot salt on the stove" method to bend it back articled in the BoLS, but it didn't work. Oh well, it's forgivable with nurgle so I'll let it be. I think I'll take tomorrow off from modeling and play a video game.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A battle and some altered toys

I played a very good battle against Mike and his Dark Angels yesterday at BFG. It was pretty rough as he brought 2000 points worth of 6 man squads loaded with special weapons. Not a single piece of armor in the game. To make it worse, we rolled a squads for points game, so he didn't have to move at all, just wait for me to pop in and shoot me back to hell. It didn't help either that my soulgrinder rolled a mishap to appear and decided he'd sit this one out. So my opponent started with a point for free and I was a heavy support down. His downfall started though when he put all of his firepower into Pappy Nurgle, who not only survived, but only suffered a single wound. He then charged Pappy with both of his HQ squads in jetpacks and failed to wound him once. It was insane. Pappy held those two squads up for a full 4 turns, soaking up a full turn of fire then slowly grinding his commander, chaplain, and two squads with them down for 4 points. It got a little knuckle chewing as he lasted 3 combat rounds with a single wound left, but managed all of his saves. Definitely got MVP. Meanwhile, the plaguebearers were soaking up insane amounts of fire while the bloodletters were marching along behind and happily mopping up anything that they could reach. Great game. Enemy 5 points, me 9 points.

I've also been working on stripping and magnetizing the weapons for my Rebel Guard project. The stripping didn't come out perfect, but the magnetizing is great. Here is a Leman Russ tank with one loadout, then a whole new loadout including a vanguisher cannon converted. It's easy, just pop one weapon off and slap another one on. I'll have 4 Lemans done up this way with all of the options before long.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Almost finished....

I finished the model itself and gloss coated it, now I need to base it. Hopefully I'll be able to finish that tomorrow.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Also while i was drunk last night.....

I signed up for the Bell of Lost Souls Convention under the narrative anti-tournament list last night while I was toasted. Probably a bad idea considering that Monday is the first day of school (i'm a middle school teacher) and I'm going to be exhausted all week. I woke up a little worried this morning that I don't have 3000 points of demons under a solid force organization chart and would have to get even more stuff painted in time, but was told that as long as it makes sense and is fun, I can bring it. This Bloodthirster I'm working on will put me right over the 3000 point mark so that's a bit of a relief even though it's a third HQ. I'll have to put off buying that case for the Rebel Guard army I'm working on, but that's ok. It would probably be better to get it put together first anyway...

More Blood!

I worked on the Bloodthirster some more tonight after about 8 shots of rum.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

First Modelling Blog Post

Well, this is my first attempt in a long time to jump back into blogging and posting pictures on the internet. As I don't really use Myspace anymore and my website doesn't get too many hits without something like this to back it up, this option seems like fun. I'll be posting anything I'm working on as well as posting pictures of finished models as I add them to my site.

I'll start with my latest project: my Bloodthirster. I think the wings and skin have come out exactly like I wanted. Obviously red with dark recesses, but a hint of an orange undertone as well. I had stripped this model and repainted it twice to get to this point. Yeah, it takes me forever to get a single mini painted. :/