Friday, July 31, 2009

Also while i was drunk last night.....

I signed up for the Bell of Lost Souls Convention under the narrative anti-tournament list last night while I was toasted. Probably a bad idea considering that Monday is the first day of school (i'm a middle school teacher) and I'm going to be exhausted all week. I woke up a little worried this morning that I don't have 3000 points of demons under a solid force organization chart and would have to get even more stuff painted in time, but was told that as long as it makes sense and is fun, I can bring it. This Bloodthirster I'm working on will put me right over the 3000 point mark so that's a bit of a relief even though it's a third HQ. I'll have to put off buying that case for the Rebel Guard army I'm working on, but that's ok. It would probably be better to get it put together first anyway...

More Blood!

I worked on the Bloodthirster some more tonight after about 8 shots of rum.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

First Modelling Blog Post

Well, this is my first attempt in a long time to jump back into blogging and posting pictures on the internet. As I don't really use Myspace anymore and my website doesn't get too many hits without something like this to back it up, this option seems like fun. I'll be posting anything I'm working on as well as posting pictures of finished models as I add them to my site.

I'll start with my latest project: my Bloodthirster. I think the wings and skin have come out exactly like I wanted. Obviously red with dark recesses, but a hint of an orange undertone as well. I had stripped this model and repainted it twice to get to this point. Yeah, it takes me forever to get a single mini painted. :/