Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Stuff!

I just got a sweet trade on Bartertown. A guy is giving me a Baneblade for that Soulgrinder I won at BoLSCon. I think I'm going to convert it to that Plaguereaper tank.

I also got the Arkham Horror Boardgame with the Black Goat of the Woods expansion for $45. What a steal!


  1. Awesome! I want pics!

  2. Wow. I just played my first game of Arkham Horror over the weekend. The wife and I are friends with another couple that LOVES the complex boardgames (the previous even we spent with them playing Talisman!). OK, so it's not 40K or WFB, but it sure as HELL beats yet another evening watching other people play The cool thing is Jason (the guy half of the couple I"m talking about, a guy I met in college and have been solid friends with since then) has already ordered ALL the expansions for AH. They're supposed to be in this week...I can guess what at least one evening this weekend is going to be spent enjoying. :)
